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Showing articles from Z-Wave tag

Aeon Labs Z-Wave Range Extender - User Guide

The guides attached to this page have been written by a third party and are not maintained by  Any questions regarding the installation, maintenance, and/or usage instructions in these guides should be directed to the device manufacturer. To download this guide directly to your device, click  Aeon Labs…

Aeon Labs Z-Wave Heavy Duty Smart Switch - Installation Guide

The guides attached to this page have been written by a third party and are not maintained by  Any questions regarding the installation, maintenance, and/or usage instructions in these guides should be directed to the device manufacturer. To download this guide directly to your device, click  Aeon Labs…

Z-Wave device is not functioning consistently

If any device is not functioning consistently, the network may have trouble communicating with the device, either because it is too far from the nearest node or because there is an obstruction blocking the Z-Wave signal. If this happens, recommends the following troubleshooting steps. Verify the device i…

Remote commands are not locking or unlocking the Z-Wave lock

If a Z-Wave lock is not locking or unlocking when a user sends a remote command using the Customer Website or app, complete the following steps: Verify the lock has completed secure enrollment Z-Wave devices that require secure enrollment should automatically complete secure enrollment after they are added into the…

View the Z-Wave Network's Z-Wave Network diagram gives technicians a visual picture of customer Z-Wave network quality to help with installations and troubleshooting. This intuitive diagram shows how individual Z-Wave devices interconnect, which devices are repeaters, link quality and routing information, and device malfunctions …

Trigger buttons for common Z-Wave devices

The following displays the trigger button for common Z-Wave devices when enrolling or removing devices from a Z-Wave network. For device-specific information, see the guides in  Installation and Troubleshooting . For a full list of supported devices, visit . Lights, Switches, and Energy Meterin…

View Z-Wave light status

Z-Wave light statuses can be viewed from the Partner Portal, MobileTech app, Customer Website, and Customer app. For more information about how light status works with, see  How does Z-Wave light status work? . Certain panel or module firmware versions are required to have the ability to view light statuse…

2GIG Z-Wave Plus Battery Powered Thermostat (2GIG-STZ-1) - Installation Guide

The guides attached to this page have been written by a third party and are not maintained by Any questions regarding the installation, maintenance, and/or usage instructions in these guides should be directed to the device manufacturer. To download this guide directly to your device, click  2GIG Z-Wave …

Z-Wave device is in malfunction or offline

If a Z-Wave device is showing that it is offline, then it is not responding to commands or communicating with the Z-Wave network. As soon as a response is received from a malfunctioning Z-Wave device, it is automatically put back into online status. See the steps below to determine the potential causes for a device …

What is a Z-Wave Network Rediscovery?

A network rediscovery   is a Z-Wave command that determines the optimal routing path for Z-Wave commands based on the network layout. A common cause of Z-Wave network communication issues is a lack of repeating nodes between the Z-Wave controller and the affected Z-Wave node. A good solution is to add repeating node…

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