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Factory reset an ADC-VC725 to its default settings

Reset procedure  Reset button location Reset button image * Using a pen or small screwdriver, hold the  [Reset]  button while reconnecting power. * The button makes a clicking noise when pressed. * Continue to hold the  [Reset]  button for 10 seconds. Important : It is best to leave the video device plugged int…

Factory reset an ADC-VC736 to its default settings

Reset Procedure ADC-VC736 image Disconnect the camera from the power supply.  Use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the water-tight door (see diagram). Press and hold the Reset button while reconnecting power. Continue to hold the Reset button for 10 seconds. Important : After performing a factory re…

Factory reset an ADC-SVR100 to its default settings

Resetting a device to its factory default settings removes all of its existing programming. Most devices must be removed from the account and re-enrolled after a factory reset. Important : Wait at least 2 minutes for the device to power on fully before performing the following procedure. The factory reset might fail…

Factory reset an ADC-VC826 to its default settings

Reset procedure Reset button location Reset button image Hold the Reset   button while reconnecting power. Continue to hold the Reset button for 10 seconds. There is no LED indication that a factory reset has been done, so be generous with time estimates. Important : After performing a factory reset, it …

Factory reset an ADC-VC836 to its default settings

Reset Procedure Reset button location ADC-VC836 image Disconnect the camera from the power supply. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the water-tight door. Press and hold the Reset button while reconnecting power. Continue to hold the Reset button for 10 seconds. Important : After performing a fac…

Factory reset an ADC-SVR122 to its default settings

Resetting a device to its factory default settings removes all of its existing programming. Most devices must be removed from the account and re-enrolled after a factory reset. Important : Wait at least 2 minutes for the device to power on fully before performing the following procedure. The factory reset might fail…

Factory reset an ADC-V723 to its default settings

Resetting a video device to its factory defaults removes all programming and memory from the device. Important : Wait at least two minutes for the video device to power on fully before performing the following procedure. The factory reset might fail if the device is still powering on. Reset procedure  Reset butto…

Factory reset an ADC-CSVR126 to its default settings

The ADC-CSVR126 can be factory reset using its local interface. Software factory reset process Reset procedure Reset location Reset image Caution : All footage and programming is removed from the device after it is factory reset. Log into the local interface. Click  . Click  System . Click  Factory R…

Factory reset an ADC-VDB770 to its default settings

Resetting a video device to its factory defaults removes all programming from the device. Important : Wait at least two minutes for the video device to power on fully before performing the following procedure. The factory reset might fail if the device is still powering on. Reset procedure  Reset button location …

Factory reset an ADC-VC726 to its default settings

Resetting a device to its factory default settings removes all of its existing programming and memory. Most devices must be removed from the account and re-enrolled after a factory reset. Reset procedure  Reset button location Reset button image Remove power from the device. Use the hex key that comes with th…

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