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Showing articles from SVR tag

Update the firmware on an SVR

The firmware of an video device can be updated remotely using the Partner Portal, MobileTech app, or Customer Website. Note : The  Upgrade  option only appears when there is an available update for the video device. To update the firmware using the Partner Portal: * Log into the Partner Portal. * Find …

Associate a video device to an SVR

Associate a video device with a Stream Video Recorder (SVR) so that the SVR can start recording footage. Video devices can be associated at any time using the Customer Website or during installation using the MobileTech app. A video device can only record video to a single SVR at a time. The video device's existing …

Run a hard drive check on a Stream Video Recorder (SVR)

The  Drive Care  feature allows users to run a diagnostic to check for hard drive issues using the Customer Website. To run a hard drive check: Caution : This test can take several hours to complete and may interrupt the SVR's recording. Only run this if there are issues occurring with the SVR. * Log into the Cus…

Download clips from an SVR

Clips of saved recordings from a Stream Video Recorder (SVR) can be downloaded using the Customer Website. The clip downloads in .MP4 format. Note : The Commercial Stream Video Recorder (ADC-CSVR126) can also export clips using its local interface. For more information about that process, see  Export video using the…

Stream SVR recordings using the SVR Timeline with Smart View Stream Video Recorders have a remote interface on the Customer Website or app. Users can stream playback from specific times, adjust playback speed, see important sensor activity, and save/download clips. For more information about saving/downloading clips, see  Download clips from a Stream Video Recorder …

Unable to view or play back the SVR timeline

If the user cannot stream the Stream Video Recorder's (SVR's) timeline from the Customer Website or app, verify the following troubleshooting steps to resolve the behavior. Verify that the video device is connected and recording * Verify that live video from the device can be viewed independently from the SVR. If …

The SVR does not format its hard drive

A Stream Video Recorder (SVR) should format its hard drive during enrollment. The hard drive needs to be formatted before it can start recording video from other video devices. To troubleshoot an SVR hard drive that does not configure: * Verify that the SVR firmware is up to date. For more information about updati…

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