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Home > True Protection > Alarm Systems > 2Gig > Edge Panel > Configure Bluetooth disarming on the 2Gig Edge
Configure Bluetooth disarming on the 2Gig Edge
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The 2GIG EDGE allows mobile Bluetooth devices to be paired with the panel for Bluetooth disarm, which disarms the system from an armed away state when the connected mobile device comes within range of the panel.

When Bluetooth disarming is enabled, the arming event from the Bluetooth device appears in the event history as disarmed by the Bluetooth device's name (e.g., partition 1 Disarmed by John Doe's iPhone). 

To enable Bluetooth disarming for a user using the 2GIG EDGE:

  1. On the home screen, tap Settings.
  2. Enter the installer code or master code.
  3. Tap Users.
  4. Tap Edit for the user to edit. 
  5. Tap Details to configure Bluetooth Disarming
  6. Tap Pair.
  7. Tap Scan. The panel will scan for devices.
    • If the device is not listed, verify the Bluetooth device is set to discoverable and then tap Rescan to have the panel scan for Bluetooth devices again. 
      Note: If a Bluetooth device is already paired to a user, it will not appear in the list of discovered devices. 
  8. Tap Details for the Bluetooth device to pair. 
  9. Tap Pair Device on the panel. And tap to pair the device on the Bluetooth device. 
  10. A successful message appears on the screen once the device has been paired, tap Ok
  11. Tap The EDGE back arrow.PNG to exit programming. 

Note: The panel must wait 5 minutes after it is armed away before a Bluetooth device can disarm it.

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