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Home > True Protection > Alarm Systems > 2Gig Equipment > Manage Z-Wave devices on a 2GIG GC3
Manage Z-Wave devices on a 2GIG GC3
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The Z-Wave controller on the 2GIG GC3 is in the panel itself, so swapping the panel requires the deletion and addition of existing Z-Wave devices, while swapping the module requires no action in regards to Z-Wave.

It is recommended to enroll no more than 60 total Z-Wave devices and up to 5 thermostats to ensure network stability. Z-Wave network stability depends on many factors, including the number of enrolled devices, network layout, environmental interference, and the number and types of rules and schedules being used.

The more Z-Wave devices that are in a network, the longer basic functions (e.g., network rediscoveries, etc.) may take to complete.

For remote functionality through, the customer account must have the automation device type selected on their service package.  For more information about updating the service package, see Update the service package on a customer account.


Compatible Z-Wave features 

Required Panel Settings

Question 21 in the panel programming must be enabled to allow for the panel's Z-Wave capabilities. 

To enable Z-Wave capabilities using the 2GIG GC3 panel: 
  1. From the home screen, tap System Settings.
  2. Enter the installer code.
  3. Tap Installer Toolbox
  4. Tap System Configuration.
  5. Tap Panel Programming.
  6. Tap Go to Question
  7. Tap 21 to navigate to Q21: Select Z-Wave feature (0-3)
  8. Tap Enabled
  9. Once complete, tap Return To System Configuration to exit panel programming. 
To enable Z-Wave capabilities using the Partner Portal: 
  1. Log into the Partner Portal. 
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. Click Remote Toolkit.
  4. In the Command Catalog, click to expand Z-Wave.
  5. Click Q21: Select Z-Wave feature (0-3).
  6. Using the New value dropdown menu, select Enable (2).
  7. Click Change.
To enable Z-Wave capabilities using the MobileTech app: 
  1. Log into the MobileTech app. 
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. Tap Remote Toolkit.
  4. Tap Command Catalog.
  5. Tap to expand Z-Wave.
  6. Tap Q21: Select Z-Wave feature (0-3).
  7. Using the New value dropdown menu, select Enable (2).
  8. Tap Change.


Enroll Z-Wave devices


A Z-Wave network is established by putting a Z-Wave controller (such as a 2GIG panel) into Add Mode and triggering devices (or nodes) to join the network.

While setting up a Z-Wave network: 

  • Verify Z-wave capability is enabled in the panel programming. For more information about enabling Z-wave, see Required panel settings
  • Before adding devices to the network, make sure to put the devices in their final locations if possible. This way, the network can correctly identify the strongest communication pathway for each device. For more information about range, see What is the range of Z-Wave?
  • Always add devices closest to the panel first, and work outwards from there. Devices that have already been added can relay the panel’s Add Mode signal to add farther devices to the network.
  • Verify each device adds successfully before moving on to the next device. The panel, Partner Portal, or MobileTech app indicates when a device has been added to the network.
  • After adding all desired Z-Wave devices to the network, it is important to run a Network Rediscovery. For information about running a Network Rediscovery, see Perform a Network Rediscovery
  • For additional resources for Z-Wave installation, see: 

To create a Z-Wave network, enable any of the Z-Wave services (e.g., locks. thermostats, lights) on the customer’s service package, put the panel into Add Mode using the panel, Partner Portal, or MobileTech app, and then begin adding devices. 

Note: Customers can also enroll devices using the Add Device Portal. For more information about using the Add Device Portal, see Add Device Portal

To enroll Z-Wave devices using the panel: 
  1. From the home screen, tap System Settings.
  2. Enter the installer code.
  3. Tap Smart Home Settings.
  4. Tap Add Devices.
  5. Trigger a device to add it to the network.
  6. When a device is successfully added, the panel beeps twice and the device shows up on the panel display.
  7. Continue triggering devices. Several devices may be added to the network without re-entering Add Mode.
  8. Devices should show up on the Customer Website and app, Partner Portal, and MobileTech app within five minutes of adding the devices.
    • If the devices do not show up, request an updated Z-wave equipment list from the Partner Portal or MobileTech app. For more information about requesting an updated equipment list, see Request an update on the Z-Wave equipment list
To enroll Z-Wave devices using the Partner Portal:
  1. Log into the Partner Portal.
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. Click Equipment
  4. Click Z-Wave Devices.
  5. In Manage Devices, click Add a Z-Wave Device.
  6. Wait for the bolded message: Checking for new devices on the network.
  7. Trigger a device to add it to the network.
  8. When a device is added successfully, it shows up on this screen following a 30-second delay.
  9. Continue triggering devices. Several devices may be added to the network without re-entering Add Mode.
  10. Once all desired devices are added, click Exit.
  11. Devices should show up on the Customer Website and app, Partner Portal, and MobileTech app within five minutes of adding the devices.
    • If the devices do not show up, request an updated Z-wave equipment list from the Partner Portal or MobileTech app. For more information about requesting an updated equipment list, see Request an update on the Z-Wave equipment list
To enroll Z-Wave devices using the MobileTech app:
  1. Log into the MobileTech app.
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. If possible, move all Z-Wave devices to their final location on the property.
  4. Tap Equipment.
  5. Tap Z-Wave Devices.
  6. Tap to expand Z-Wave Actions.
  7. Tap Add Z-Wave Devices.
  8. Wait for the bolded message: Checking for new devices on the network.
  9. Trigger a device to add it to the network.
  10. When a device is added successfully, it shows up on this screen following a 30-second delay.
  11. Continue triggering devices. Several devices may be added to the network without re-entering Add Mode.
  12. Once all desired devices are added, tap Exit.
  13. Devices should show up on the Customer Website and app, Partner Portal, and MobileTech app within five minutes of adding the devices.
    • If the devices do not show up, request an updated Z-wave equipment list from the Partner Portal or MobileTech app. For more information about requesting an updated equipment list, see Request an update on the Z-Wave equipment list

If a device is not adding to the network, it may be required to delete the device’s network data using the device deletion process before you can add it to the new network (some devices come from the factory with network data). For instructions about removing a Z-Wave device from the panel, see Remove Z-Wave devices.

If a Z-Wave device continues to not enroll, see Z-Wave device is not enrolling

If a Z-Wave device is not functioning consistently, see Z-Wave device is not functioning consistently


Remove Z-Wave devices


To remove a node from the panel’s Z-Wave network, the device must be deleted. This can also be useful to erase existing Z-Wave network settings from a device that is being added to the new network.

The device deletion process mirrors the device addition. The panel is placed into delete mode, and devices are triggered one by one.

Note: Customers can also remove devices using the Customer Website or app. For more information, see Remove Z-Wave Devices remotely

To delete Z-Wave devices using the Partner Portal: 
  1. Log into the Partner Portal.
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. Click Equipment.
  4. Click Z-Wave Devices.
  5. In Manage Devices, click Delete a Z-Wave Device.
  6. Wait for the bolded message: Checking for new devices on the network.
  7. Trigger a device to remove it from the network.

    Note: For device-specific information, see the guides in Installation and Troubleshooting.
  8. When a device is deleted successfully and its network data is erased, it will show up on this screen following a 30-second delay. Unknown devices were not part of the Z-Wave network, but have now had their old Z-Wave network information cleared.
  9. Continue triggering devices. Several devices may be added to the network without re-entering Delete Mode.
  10. Once all desired devices are removed, click Exit.
To delete Z-Wave devices using the MobileTech app: 
  1. Log into the MobileTech app.
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. Tap Equipment.
  4. Tap Z-Wave Devices.
  5. Tap to expand Z-Wave Actions.
  6. Tap Delete Z-Wave Devices.
  7. Wait for the bolded message: Checking for new devices on the network.
  8. Trigger a device to remove it from the network.

    Note: For device-specific information, see the guides in Installation and Troubleshooting.
  9. When a device is deleted successfully and its network data is erased, it will show up on this screen following a 30-second delay. Unknown devices were not part of the Z-Wave network, but have now had their old Z-Wave network information cleared.
  10. Continue triggering devices. Several devices may be added to the network without re-entering Delete Mode.
  11. Once all desired devices are removed, tap Exit.
To delete Z-Wave devices using the panel: 
  1. From the home screen, tap System Settings.
  2. Enter the installer code.
  3. Tap Smart Home Settings.
  4. Tap Remove Devices.
  5. Trigger a device to remove it from the network.
  6. When a device is deleted, the panel beeps twice and the device appears on the panel display.
  7. Continue triggering devices. Several devices may be deleted from the network without re-entering Delete Mode.
Move closer to the panel

In most cases, the same trigger used to add a device is used to delete the device from the network. Devices should be removed from within 20 seconds after being triggered. If the device is not deleting, the device may need to be moved closer to the panel and try again.

Z-Wave device functions, but is not deleting from the network:

After removing all devices, verify the correct Z-Wave devices appear on by requesting an updated Z-Wave equipment list. For more information about requesting an update, see Request an update on the Z-Wave equipment list

If a Z-Wave device functions, but is not deleting from the network:  

  1. Verify the Z-Wave device is fully powered either by a wall outlet or with high quality, sufficiently charged batteries. Refer to the device's manual to determine what is best for its power supply.
  2. Verify the Z-Wave device is within range of either the security panel or a Z-Wave device that acts as a repeater. Typically, AC-powered Z-Wave devices such as lights act as repeaters.

    Note: If the Z-Wave device or security panel has older Z-Wave firmware, it may not support Network Wide Inclusion/Exclusion so the device may need to be within 6 feet of the security panel. To determine if the firmware version can support Network Wide Inclusion/Exclusion, see the panel-specific installation guides in Panels.
  3. Power cycle the panel and the device and try to delete again.
  4. If the device is offline or continues to be unable to delete, see Remove an offline Z-Wave device from the network

If devices are unable to enroll or remove, the Z-Wave radio may need to be reset. For more information about resetting the Z-Wave network, see Remove all Z-Wave devices. The Remove All Z-Wave Devices feature is a command that removes all existing Z-Wave devices from the panel and changes the panel's network information. 


Perform a Network Rediscovery


After adding all desired Z-Wave devices to the network, it is important to run a Network Rediscovery. Running a Network Rediscovery allows each device to detect nearby devices and identify the best path of communication to the panel, as well as alternate paths in the case of a node failure.

This process can take up to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the Z-Wave network. Smaller networks take significantly less time. To give the network rediscovery the best chance of completing quickly and successfully, it is recommended not to use any Z-Wave devices while running a rediscovery.

To run a Network Rediscovery using the Partner Portal:
  1. Log into the Partner Portal.
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. Click Equipment.
  4. Click Z-Wave Devices.
  5. In Troubleshooting, click Rediscover Network.

To verify the network rediscovery is processing, navigate to the event history. In the Event History, a non-wiping network rediscovery command should be followed by several Z-Wave link quality test request commands. For information about viewing the event history, see View the customer's system event history.

To run a Network Rediscovery using the MobileTech app:
  1. Log into the MobileTech app.
  2. Find the customer account.
  3. Tap Equipment.
  4. Tap Z-Wave Devices.
  5. Tap to expand Z-Wave Actions.
  6. Tap Rediscover Network.

To verify the network rediscovery is processing, navigate to the event history. In the Event History, a non-wiping network rediscovery command should be followed by several Z-Wave link quality test request commands. For information about viewing the event history, see View the customer's system event history.

To run a Network Rediscovery using the panel:
  1. From the home screen, tap System Settings.
  2. Enter the installer code.
  3. Tap Rediscover Network.
  4. Tap Start.
  5. While the system is rediscovering the network, it displays the status of each node as it is checked.
  6. When the rediscovery is complete, the Start button is able to be selected again.
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