End of Life for 2GIG Go!Bridge
Nortek has announced the discontinuation of the 2GIG Go!Bridge as of April 8, 2020. Any Go!Bridges that have already been distributed will continue to be supported, including those that have not been attached to accounts yet. For more information about the announcement, see Nortek's GoBridge EOL Bulletin.
Go!Bridge only communication is approved for the 2GIG GoControl firmware versions,, and 1.19.1+. Any other firmware version is not officially supported for Broadband only communication using Alarm.com.
If the Go!Bridge is being configured for Dual-Path communication instead of broadband-only communication, see Configure the Go!Bridge with a 2GIG GoControl panel.
Note: If these options are not available, contact your Alarm.com Sales Representative.
Find the MAC Address of the Go!Bridge IP communicator
The MAC address is located on a label at the side of the Go!Bridge IP Communicator.
Note: The dashes (-) do not need to be entered in text fields on the Partner Portal or MobileTech app. In the following image, for example, only the alphanumeric digits b8b7d7000281 need to be entered into the Partner Portal or MobileTech app for creating or finding an account.
Create a customer account
Create a customer account using the Partner Portal or MobileTech app.
Caution: The customer name entered on this page cannot be changed to a new account holder at a later date. For more information about changing the main customer's name, see Change the name on a customer account.
To create a customer account using the Partner Portal:
- Log into the Partner Portal.
- Mouse over Customers, then click Create New Customer.
- Click Create Customer.
- For the type of customer account, select Security System. Click Next.
- Enter the customer’s account information, then click Next.
- Enter the customer’s desired login name in the textbox, then click Next. If there is not a login preference, click Suggest Login Name.
- Using the Control Panel Type dropdown menu, select 2GIG.
- In Module Serial #, enter the MAC Address of the Go!Bridge communicator. Click Next.
Note: The dashes (-) in the number do not need to be entered in the text field.
- Click to select the following Warning message, and then click Next.
- Using the Base Package dropdown menu, select the service package, and then click to select any additional features to create a customized service package for the customer. Click Next.
- Click to select the Monitoring Station Forwarding settings and Events to Forward, and then click Next.
- All Alarm.com service packages for security accounts include the ability to forward alarms to a monitoring station. If signals are not going to be forwarded to a monitoring station, click to select Never in Monitoring Station Forward Signals to disable this feature.
- Optionally in Installation Templates Plan, click to select to Apply Default Notifications and/or Apply AirFX Panel Template. Click Next.
- Confirm all of the customer account information to verify that it is correct.
- If any changes need to be made, click Edit in the relevant section.
- Click Create Account.
To create a customer account using the MobileTech app:
- Log into the MobileTech app.
- In Customers, tap Create.
- Tap Create Customer.
- For the type of customer account, tap to select Security System. Tap Next.
- Enter the customer's account information, then tap Next.
- Enter the customer’s desired login name in the textbox, then tap Next. If there is not a login preference, tap Suggest Login Name.
- Using the Control Panel Type dropdown menu, tap to select 2GIG.
- In Module Serial #, enter the MAC Address of the Go!Bridge communicator, then tap Next.
Note: The dashes (-) in the number do not need to be entered in the text field.
- Tap to select the Warning message acknowledgement, and then tap Next.
- Using the Base Package dropdown menu, select the service package, and then tap to select any additional features to create a customized service package for the customer. Tap Next.
- Tao to select the Monitoring Station Forwarding settings and Events to Forward, and then tap Next.
- All Alarm.com service packages for security accounts include the ability to forward alarms to a monitoring station. If signals are not going to be forwarded to a monitoring station, tap to select Never in Monitoring Station Forward Signals to disable this feature.
- Optionally in Installation Templates Plan, tap to select to Apply Default Notifications and/or Apply AirFX Panel Template. Tap Next.
- Confirm all of the customer account information to verify that it is correct.
- If any changes need to be made, tap Edit in the relevant section.
- Tap Create Account.
Configure the Go!Bridge with the 2GIG GoControl panel
After creating the customer account, configure the Go!Bridge with the 2GIG GoControl panel as normal. For more information about setting up the Go!Bridge with the control panel, see Configure the Go!Bridge with a 2GIG GoControl panel.
Important: When using broadband-only communication with the Go!Bridge, the cell module must be disconnected from the panel for communication to occur. To initiate a communication test on a broadband-only 2GIG GoControl, send a Go!Bridge test.
To send a Go!Bridge test using the 2GIG GoControl:
- Verify the 2GIG control panel is powered on.
- Press the home button.
- Tap the system logo in the corner of the control panel Home screen.
- At the Enter Your Code screen, enter the four‐digit master installer code to go to the Installer Toolbox (2 of 2) screen.
- At the Installer Toolbox (2 of 2) screen, tap Go!Bridge test.
- This sends a communication test to verify communication with Alarm.com.
For additional questions about installing the Go!Bridge with a 2GIG GoControl panel, contact Alarm.com CORE Technical Support.