Use hardwired cameras with the Commercial Stream Video Recorder (ADC-CSVR126) whenever possible. It is recommended to connect the cameras, ADC-CSVR126, and the customer's router to a dedicated POE switch. The POE switch can be managed or unmanaged, but it should be professional or business grade equipment capable of 100 Mbps (1-6 cameras) or 1 Gbps (7+ cameras) speeds.
Power consumption calculations are important when selecting a PoE switch; use the calculator below to get an estimate of the customer's power needs.
POE Power Budget calculator
POE Power Budget: 0 Watts*
Note: This estimate is provided for informational use only and is not guaranteed.
Other connection configurations
Wi-Fi connections are supported but not recommended. If Wi-Fi cameras are to be used with the ADC-CSVR126, use a Smart Gateway (ADC-SG130) or dedicated Access Point connected to a dedicated switch. This switch should connect directly to the access point, CSVR126 and the router.