If the SkyBell Doorbell Camera is constantly ringing, verify the following.
Note: If using a wireless chime, tube chime, or intercom system, those chimes are not compatible with the SkyBell Doorbell Camera. For more information about compatible chimes, see What types of chimes are compatible with the SkyBell Doorbell Cameras?.
Verify a digital doorbell adapter is installed for digital chimes
Typically when the SkyBell Doorbell Camera is constantly ringing, it is because a digital chime is connected without the requisite digital doorbell adapter (DDA). If using a digital chime, verify a DDA is also installed. For more information about the DDA, see Digital doorbell adapter - Installation guide.
Verify the transformer power
The constant ringing may be caused by having too little or too much power from the doorbell's transformer. If the chime is mechanical or if a DDA is properly installed for a digital chime, verify the power of the doorbell's transformer is within 12-36 VAC and that the VA rating is 10. The maximum VA is 15 per SkyBell Doorbell Camera, any higher can damage the device. If the transformer is not within range, replace the transformer.
How to test VA
The VA can be calculated by acquiring the VAC and Amperage of the transformer, which can be acquired from most multimeters. To calculate the VA rating of a transformer using the VAC and Amperage, see RapidTable's Amps to VA Calculator.
Important: In RapidTable's Amps to VA Calculator, use the single phase selection and not the three phase.
Verify a diode is not installed
There are some chimes (usually digital chimes) that have a diode installed. If a diode is installed for the existing doorbell button, the diode must be removed prior to installing the digital doorbell adapter with a digital chime. If the diode remains installed, it can cause the DDA to fail which may lead to the SkyBell Doorbell Camera constantly ringing or other odd behaviors.